• 10 апреля 2019, среда
  • Милан, Via Tortona 14

Presentation of exhibition "Russia Design House"

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Другие события организатора

Клуб Промышленных Дизайнеров
1835 дней назад
10 апреля 2019 c 19:00 до 23:00
Via Tortona 14

On April 9-14, for the 2nd year in a row, the Club of Industrial Designers will present Russian design at the main exhibition of the world.
This year we have two global goals.
First, we are creating a Russian Design House in Milan — a platform where you can meet, learn all the most valuable and relevant information about the design week, and, of course, get acquainted with the latest trends in Russian Design.
Secondly, this is the first step for all members of the efficiency in world Exports. This is what the General exposition is devoted to, where brands will present objects with which they are ready to enter the world market and strengthen the position of Russian design.
The whole year in our ranks there is a work in this direction: packing, pricing, logistics, certification…
And we are confident that this trip will allow us to expand our own borders.

At the presentation we will talk about our exposition and future plans to conquer the international arena.



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